Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Spring is on it's way.

Met this amazing girl and i've been hanging out with her for close to 2 months.

Savoring every moment spent with her.

Never had i once hungered so much for anyone's attention. It feels good to give my 100% and to receive what i want.

Wherever she goes, she never fails to give out this brilliant aura. I'm so awed by her actions and thoughts and it feels too good to be true.

Nonetheless, i shall hit the throttle and go full stream ahead, to hell with all the uncertainty!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Too many rights can be wrong, perhaps it's time i reach out for that self-destruct remote and save myself from all this agony.


只是不小心路過 那個一直迴避的街角 只是不經意 錯碰了那雙 你送的手套
哪位可惡的路人 塗了你最愛那種味道 咬醒了味蕾 偷偷鬆開了 記憶的發條

我早就已經忘記 我已經沒有問題 一字一句說得連自己都心虛
我以為早就忘記 我甚至毀了證據 卻冷不防被回憶 將了軍
從開始怎麼相愛 到最後怎樣離開 難過愉快通通被翻出來 活生生展覽
一觸即發 我快要招架不來 回憶像病毒散開來 躲也躲不開

早就將衣櫃手機甚至電腦 全部都丟掉 是誰從哪裡 抖出這一幀 甜蜜的合照
都怪那一紙帳單 提醒我你的生日快到 那幾個數字 殘酷打通了 記憶的穴道
把情歌聽成禱告 看沙發想到擁抱 愛情的殘骸原來我忘了打掃
回味牽手的味道 失去放手的力道 原來回憶能這樣 不人道
從開始怎麼相愛 到最後怎樣離開 難過愉快通通被翻出來 活生生展覽
一觸即發 我快要招架不來 回憶像病毒散開來 躲也躲不開

你是誰 怎麼看都完美
我愛誰 只是無事生非
想轉身 接過你的汗水

從開始怎麼相愛 到最後怎樣離開 難過愉快通通被翻出來 活生生展覽
一觸即發 我快要招架不來 回憶像病毒散開來
從開始怎麼相愛 到最後怎樣離開 難過愉快從來早有安排 放也放不開
或許是我 一直捨不得放開 事過境遷也都記得 那些全是愛

Reminiscing the old memories that stirs in my head.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Please YW, tell me what i should do.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Sometimes when you happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time, you wished you'd have kicked yourself hard in the shins for being there. Nonetheless, it wasn't a totally bad idea at all.

Instead, it has brought me to a whole new level of self-awareness. Despite all the pain lingering somewhere underneath my chest, I got to admit it was an enriching experience.

I really hate myself sometimes for all these emotional waves crashing up the shores of my isolated island. I used to think that I'm as cold as ice and often wondered how it feels like to develop feelings to things or even people around me. Tonight's experience was certainly a good indication to show that I do have feelings attached. It's only a matter of time as to when they'll come back and haunt me.

Terrified, no more

Terrified - Katharine McPhee

You, by the light
Is the greatest find
In a world full of wrong
You're the thing that's right

Finally made it through the lonely
To the other side

You set it again, my heart's in motion
Every word feels like a shooting star
I'm at the edge of my emotions
Watching the shadows burning in the dark

And I'm in love
And I'm terrified
For the first time and the last time
In my only life

And this could be good
It's already better than that
And nothing's worse
Than knowing you're holding back

I could be all that you need
If you let me try

You set it again, my heart's in motion
Every word feels like a shooting star
I'm at the edge of my emotions
Watching the shadows burning in the dark

And I'm in love
And I'm terrified
For the first time and the last time
In my only

I only said it 'cause I mean it
I only mean 'cause it's true
So don't you doubt what I've been dreaming
'Cause it fills me up and holds me close whenever I'm without you

You set it again, my heart's in motion
Every word feels like a shooting star
I'm at the edge of my emotions
Watching the shadows burning in the dark

And I'm in love
And I'm terrified
For the first time and the last time
In my only life

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Time will change everything, even the most egoistic man on this Earth

Words cant express how i actually enjoyed my current lifestyle. With absolutely no buggers getting on my nerves, stalking each and every of my movement, I'm allowed to pursue freedom.

My perseverance for isolation has finally paid off, finally found something meaningful to pursue in my life. Year 2011 has proven to be a magical year.

First time in my entire life, I'm going to abandon my egoistic self to go after something everyone fears; Rejection.

First time in my entire life, I'm going to give it my 100%.

First time in my entire life, I'm going to experience what it's like to be a human being, for i rather hurt than feel nothing at all.

Not sure to what extent will i be able to handle but I'm certain it'll be a wonderful experience.

-YK; Embrace your fears and you'll overcome it with due in time.